
This is your opportunity to be a part of an internship at one of the nation’s leading churches. Sun Valley Community Church was established in 1990 by 2 couples who came over to Arizona from California to “start a church for people who don’t go to church.” Today, Sun Valley has grown to a church of over 10,000 people that meets in 6 physical locations and online.  As a digital industry leader, Sun Valley also offers on-demand content through an app and other platforms.  All of this is to help new people in new places meet, know, and follow Jesus.

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you will have the opportunity to:

  Attend a ½ day New Staff Orientation with the Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor of Sun Valley to learn about Sun Valley’s story, mission, vision, strategy, structure, philosophy of ministry and staff culture.

  Participate in 8 cohort gatherings with other interns led by senior staff to discuss and learn about our leadership culture.

  Access to Sun Valley all-staff gatherings, leadership trainings and outings throughout your internship.
  Access to weekly SVU (Sun Valley University) gatherings. Biblical and ethical training that Sun Valley provides to their staff as well as practical ministry workshops on weddings, funerals, mission trips, preaching, care and crisis, etc.

  Gain exposure to and experience learning how ministry at a large multisite mega-church happens. 

  1-on-1 interaction and coaching from a Staff Mentor at your assigned location.

types of internships 

As an intern, you'll get to focus on a primary ministry assignment within a wide scope of areas. You'll receive practical experience teaching in both a large group setting and facilitating a small group as well as exposure to leading a volunteer-led ministry including recruiting, planning, communication, and training.

Guest Services
Small Groups
Creative Arts
Digital Strategies
Pastoral Care

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As an intern, you'll get to focus on a primary ministry while still gaining exposure to a wide scope of ministry. There are 3 “trimesters” in which SV internships occur (fall, spring, and summer). To gain the necessary development and ministry training of an effective internship, interns are reasonably expected to participate in ministry during normal weekend worship times and available hours throughout the week.  Specific lengths and times will be worked out with the assigned Staff Mentor.

Sun Valley will help offset expenses incurred by interns through a $500 stipend each trimester as well as a $500 scholarship to their educational institution each trimester.

Here are the answers to frequently asked questions.

To help prepare you for your calling. You'll benefit from:

  • Personal attention: Be coached by a dedicated ministry mentor who invests in your development, growth, and success.
  • A growth environment: Be a part of the people-focused culture at Sun Valley and experience strong leadership, solution-minded strategy, and personal development.
  • Real-world experience: Use your spiritual gifts and skills to help make a difference in the lives of others and gain valuable experience while doing it.
  • Exposure to a wide scope ministries including Kids, Students, Guest Services, Small Groups, Creative Arts, Digital Strategies and Pastoral Care.

    Within a 1 year period, there are 3 “trimesters” in which SV internships occur (fall, spring, and summer) and the actual amount of trimesters involved will be discussed with your mentor.

    Each intern is matched with a mentor. This mentor is a Sun Valley staff member who is specifically devoted to pouring into your life and building you up throughout the entire internship. As an intern, you will serve as part of your mentor’s staff team. This team will be a major part of your day-to-day development during your internship.

    Interns are reasonably expected to participate in ministry during normal weekend worship times and available hours throughout the week. Specific times will be worked out with the assigned Staff Mentor.

    Yes. At this time, we cannot provide transportation to and from your assigned location. You are responsible for maintaining adequate insurance on your personal vehicle and having a current driver’s license.

    Campus Team internships are available at most of our locations throughout the east valley of Phoenix, Arizona. Central Service Team internships will generally be located at our offices in Gilbert, AZ.