At Sun Valley, we believe we are never more like Jesus than when we give and when we serve. Serving opens our eyes to the needs in our world and reveals how God uses our individual stories to connect with others.
If you are part of a Group, we encourage you to serve your community together. If you are not yet in a Group, click here for more information.
Below are some ways you can help meet practical needs in your community.
On the second weekend of each month, we host a week of generosity by collecting non-perishable items to benefit local partners within the communities of our campuses. All supplies can be dropped off at your campus during all weekend services on the weekend of the second Sunday of the month. Find your campus' partner organization and supply list below!
Water Bottles Coffee Sugar Top Ramen Soup Snacks (individually wrapped) granola bars, cheeze its, goldfish, fruit snacks, Nutri-grain bars, rice crispies treats, chips, cookies Peanut Butter Jelly Mac and cheese Fruit drinks Kool Aid Powder Canned meat Canned soup Ketchup Ranch dressing BBQ sauce Paper plates Plastic spoons Plastic forks 8 oz disposable Cups Any other item along with plastic bags, trash bags
Baby Food Bottled Water Boxed Meals Canned Fruits and Vegetables Canned Meat Canned Milk Canned Soup Cereal Dried or Canned Beans Fruit Juice (Plastic or Boxed) Macaroni and Cheese Oatmeal Peanut Butter and Jelly (Plastic Jars) Rice and Rice Mixes Toiletries
Pickles - variety of whole, slices, dill and sweet. Small snack bags of cookies, chips, pretzels, fig newtons Ketchup Mustard Mayonnaise Peanut Butter Hand soap Dish soap
All non-perishable foods Canned foods Cases of water
Peanut Butter & Jelly Canned Ravioli Canned Tuna or Chicken Canned Fruit or Vegetables Canned Soup or Stew Pasta and Rice Boxed Meals Breakfast Cereals
Baby food Bottled water Boxed meals Canned fruits and vegetables Canned meat Canned milk Canned soup Cereal Dried or canned beans Fruit juice (plastic or boxed) Macaroni and cheese Oatmeal Peanut butter and jelly (in plastic jars) Rice and rice mixes Travel size toiletries
Teams of volunteers help sort and pack the food we receive each month. We’d love for you to join us!
There are also many great local organizations making an impact all across our communities. Here are some local organizations with volunteer opportunities:
Midwest Food Bank
Manes and Miracles
Paz de Cristo
Feed My Starving Children
Superstition Community Food Bank
Jose’s Closet
Keep Tempe Beautiful
Seeds Of Hope
Is there someone in your neighborhood, a family member, or a coworker who comes to mind who could benefit from a day of service from you, your family, or your group (landscaping, household chores, grocery shopping, etc.)? Is there a single parent in need or a family with foster children you could help support? If someone who would benefit from and appreciate a day of service comes to mind, we encourage you to reach out and bless them!